Simple and effective promotion

simple and effective promotion chosen by Website Config. use custom t-shirts

Simple and effective promotion chosen by Website Config. This article is all about simple and effective ways to promote a business and is perfectly suited regardless of its nature and size. I personally opted for this option to promote Website Config. When you own a business, it is important that the product or service you […]

The benefits of using a professional email address


Since last month, I set out to write this article about the importance of using a professional email address with my own domain. Personally, I was convinced of this since 2010 when I had my first site using In these few lines I will refer strictly to this topic by giving you some personal […]

5 Ways to optimize your online store

5 Ways to optimize your online store

5 Ways to optimize your online store – Online shopping has taken off with the pandemic and the trend seems to be continuing after the world has discovered how advantageous this lifestyle is. The growth of this trend has led to an increase in the number of online stores and thus competition in almost all […]

What is Dropshipping?

What is Dropshipping?

What is Dropshipping and what are its advantages and disadvantages? Since 2021 I have been living and thinking of a way to make an extra income using my experience with creating websites. I wanted to increase my income in a simple, efficient way and work on this project with pleasure without stress, etc. Documenting myself […]

Importance of website

importance of website

Importance of website is crucial for any business. If you have a business and don’t have a website, you are probably losing out on opportunities for your business. Having a website and online presence strategy allows you to markt your business online. A website can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help […]

How to promote my business

how to promote my business

How to promote my business in order to be successful on the market? Dear reader, first and foremost you need to document yourself on the internet about a concept that apparently seems new to you, at least as a term, but in reality on the business market it has existed for years and is called […]